Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Hit the Sauce!

My sponsor tells me that, apparently, I have completed step 2 ("Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity") - and I had some homework as part of my doing this step.

I had to write a job ad for my Higher Power.  Essentially, I went with the approach that it's highly likely there will not always be mutual admiration and cooperation between me and such an entity - they'll be times when I don't want a bar of him (I've decided he may as well be male - but I'm not using the proper (pro)noun), and he'll have to persist and work through that!  In fact, you may as well have a butchers:

So, on to Step 3 ("Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.") - notice that famous proper (pro)noun; it get's everywhere (especially in the Big Buggering Book)!

Serenity, No?
This one is about commitment - the willingness to buy-in, jump-in with two feet, get in the middle of the lifeboat, etc.  and let Mr H.P. carry me along.  The idea is that this is, of course, to help stop drinking - but I'm told  it moves into one's life holistically!  Mmmmm - we shall see.

A lot of people I've spoke to in AA said they really got stuck on this Step - and, yet, one day, got bloody bored and fed-up of questioning and succumbed, threw in the towel.  Others, including devout atheists (try and reconcile that one!), had a 'Eureka' moment and understood it, got it finally and comprehended once-and-for-all!  Again, we shall see. 

My sponsor said that he was dreading this one, as he thought I'd plague him with bastards of questions.  And, yes, I want to do just that!  But, I reckon, right now, doing that may just be counter-productive.  It's Early Doors and I really have to keep it simple, and over-complication will close my noggin - I must stay open-minded and give things a try. Granted, sometimes I just can't help myself, and sometimes I say them aloud - but this smart-arse needs to realise he has a lot to learn!

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