My sponsor believes I have a very relaxed approach to recovery which he says he rarely witnesses in these, what are definitely, early days for me. I've been warned of the potential spike of desire to 'pick up' again and, as I've mentioned before, complacency is my number one enemy after the Demon Drink. But, according to my sponsoring namesake, the fact I understand that shows that I'm not complacent.
He also articulated that I have indeed "turned my life around 360°." And, yup, I suppose I have - it's funny to hear it said aloud. There are so many things that are different for the better - to the extent that I actually feel lucky to be an alcoholic!
To say that is probably a bit twisted and facetious (and I never underestimate what my loved ones have had to put up with, for me to arrive at this point) but I would never have the life I have now without it. I'd never be as motivated and contented, of that I am certain. Work's a breeze; very little gets me really down (yeah, I have my low days, my troughs - but I know that's exactly what they are, they pass); I 'let things go' when I would otherwise hold resentments; and I've lost four stones!
I really am a changed man and, frankly, it's bloody ace!!!
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