Thursday, 3 February 2011

You talking to me..?

I only attend one meeting a week these days.  Going more than that became problematic (for reasons I don't want to go into).  Although, I hear only one meeting a week is considered insufficient.  But that viewpoint just feels like yet another example of prescriptive and dogmatic behaviour from my fellow AA denizens.  Personally, that one meeting does more than enough for me - keeps me on the straight and narrow and reminds me that I'm not the only person who has a skewed-up, puddled head!

You even hear some folks in AA talk about '90 meetings in 90 days'!  And some really try and do this.  Personally, that level of soul-searching/exposing would literally drive me right back into the wicked arms of the Siren Booze!  At the end of the day, there are bound to be people in AA who I don't particularly like just as there are 'outside the Fellowship'; and to subject myself to such large volumes of 'shares' will guarantee (by sheer laws of probability) that some of them will annoy the bloody shite out of me!  Imagine that! Everyday, for three months solid!!!

Now, AA teaches us that we should not dwell on such negative thoughts about our fellow man - but, jeez, it's just plain fact that this isn't always possible.  You might as well try and ask me to feel positive about sitting on the bog during a particularly vigorous bout of diarrhoea!

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