Wednesday, 10 November 2010

From hereon in

I don't want go into detail as to how I got to this point - maybe the odd reference, allusion, comment here and there - but this is where I am. An alcoholic. And to really seal the deal, I went along to my first AA meeting last night.

Firstly, I have reservations about AA. It strikes me as deeply spiritual (though not explicitly religious - although it does have 'The Big Book' - the AA bible!), and has many elements that remind me of such things as the Illuminati & Scientology. Plus the meetings can seem ritualistic: The famous, "I'm [insert name here] and I'm an alcoholic", with everyone replying in unison "Hello [insert name here]!" It was kinda interesting what these people had to say.  In fact, some of the people were clearly frustrated stand-up comics (with differing success) and loved the attention.  Not everything hit home; but, yeah, some things did.  Maybe I was expecting to be en-rapt and moved; to have some sort of epiphany - but that's not what happened.  

The reason I went to AA (apart from the obvious), is that one of my very good friends has a friend who has been there. I met her once before and I could sense she had a very similar personality. I went to see her last week and I have to say, this meeting was integral to me admitting to the truth. She's taking me to the meetings with her for now (it suits her as much as it suits me, as it means she gets back in 'the rooms', as they call them).  There's no doubt that it works for her; but I need to see more before I can make up my mind.

Although, I think the one thing that has stood out to me so far; is that, as each day comes, the job at hand is just avoid taking that first drink. Don't think about tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. Just today...

...and that's what I'll try to do.

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